What are Parents Looking out for in Education?
It goes without saying that most parents always want the best for their children, and that includes their education. Be it the best schools, the best assessment books or the best home tutors in Singapore, it is often the parents’ goal to ensure the finest.
In fact, children of parents who are highly involved in their children’s academic achievements often show better results and overall performance in school, naturally.
However, with our rapidly advancing technology and emergence of new and presumed more effective educational approaches or curriculums, it can become rather confusing for some to know what exactly to be looking for in education.
Thus, this article aims to provide you with up-to-date information regarding what parents are generally taking into consideration for their children!
Real World Applications
Needless to say, most parents are concerned about their childrens’ future careers and how their education may contribute to ensuring that they obtain a good, well-paying career. Singapore has seen a shift in the importance we place on grades compared to relevant work experience (but of course, that’s not to say that grades aren’t important, because they still are!).
Thus, the child’s educational pathway is ideally one that prepares them for their future working life, rather than simply preparing them to ace an exam.
Training Critical Thinking over Memorisation
As the Confusian saying goes, “Give a man a fish and he you will feed matka him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.”.
On that note, effective education should also be able to teach individuals to think on their own, instead of simple memorisation and regurgitation of information come exam period. This also aids the student in dealing with future real life problems, that are often complex and require critical thinking.
However, this skill can oftentimes take more time to develop, granted that it requires more effort and time to be built up. Thus, many parents turn to tuition agencies in Singapore or Singapore home tutors to give their children that extra boost in their academic journey.
Rigorous Academics
We have to understand that despite the shift in favour of relevant work experience in Singapore, there is still a very heavy significance that our society places on our grades as well.
Top universities such as NUS, NTU and SMU still require students to perform well in their academics in order to qualify for their courses.
This is because a student’s grades remain indicative of their knowledge on certain subjects, and that can play a very important role should they wish to apply to a specific university course that requires a good understanding in a certain subject.
Technology in Learning
As mentioned before, our ever advancing technological prowess has granted us many new tools for educational purposes. Singapore, in her effort to keep up with the times, has also taken the initiative in integrating technology with our formal education.
This technological approach to education offers students a more interactive and interesting learning experience, as well as making educational materials much more accessible to students everywhere. Thus, this would naturally be a perk that most parents would look out for.
Customised Learning
It goes without need to mention that every student has their own unique way of learning, and unfortunately, schools are not typically able to provide customised teaching styles to suit the needs of every student.
Consequently, many turn to private home tutors to solve this issue. One-on-one tuition can grant the students a unique learning experience, catered specifically for them by their home tutors. Not to mention, the student is able to clear up any misconceptions regarding their learning on the spot, which can prevent them in repeating the same mistakes in their work.