6 Reasons Why The Performing Arts Are An Important Part Of Today’s Educational System
A growing, and rather alarming, trend in schools throughout the UK and the US is the reduction of performing arts classes for our young children. While many schools focus on STEM-based classes, the performing arts are being pushed aside and students are having less and less access to these important classes.
Although the performing arts are not as technical as STEM classes, they are just as important to the development of today’s children. Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons the performing arts are an important part of today’s educational system:
6 Reasons The Performing Arts Are An Important Part Of Today’s Educational System
They Inspire and motivate- the performing arts can inspire and motivate students to push themselves to achieve more and reach for new heights in the classroom and in life.
They Provide A Positive Social Impact- the performing arts are proven to provide a more positive social impact on students, creating children who are much more socially aware, while decreasing negative social aspects of today’s schools such as bullying.
They Make Students More Creative And Innovative- students’ ability to become more creative and innovative is increased through performing arts programmes.
Improved Academic Performance- a study conducted by the Department of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University stated, “arts education (minutes per week of art and music instruction) positively predicted academic achievement and growth in reading and mathematics from kindergarten to 5th-grade. Moreover, the positive associations increased in strength as students progressed to later grades.” This means higher test scores, lower dropout rates and higher average SAT scores.
Self-Discovery And Expression- the performing arts encourage self-discovery and expression. From theatre and dance, to music and many other performing arts, students are learning how to express themselves more effectively and to communicate with the world around them. More and more students are entering university unprepared socially and emotionally and that is due, in part, to a lack of performing arts programmes in schools.
Better Communication Skills- the performing arts has also been shown to improve students’ communication skills. Both verbal and non-verbal communication skills can be improved dramatically in students who participate in performing arts programmes.
Contact Lossie Entertainment Academy
To learn more about the benefits of the performing arts, contact Lossie Entertainment Academy today!
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